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2024 GROW webinar - May 2024_v2

The YPN Atlantic Committee is pleased to present a GROW webinar event on May 14, 2024. 

Uncover strategies to improve your financial wellness through the power of saving! Join personal wealth expert Emo Ikede as he shares how small changes to your financial, personal, and business habits can produce positive outcomes and a brighter future.

This presentation will be delivered virtually with complimentary registration for YPN members.

We hope you can join us for what should be an informative and engaging session.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 | 1 p.m. Atlantic Time
45 minute virtual presentation along with Q&A with Emo following the presentation
Complimentary Registration

About Emo
In 2002 Emo Ikede started his company, EjiTech ( to help people and businesses effectively manage their finances, increase productivity and achieve goals. He does this through coaching, workshops, seminars, online courses, publications and personal example.

Emo enjoys showing people how to easily take control of their finances through practical steps that bring the greatest rewards over time. 

He believes everyone has a skill, hobby or passion that when realized, brings fulfilment and joy. This is why he actively helps people find their passion and live their best life. 

Emo is a published author, and one of his highlights in 2019 was donating 9000 copies of his book (How Students Save Over $10,000 A Year) to Grade 12 students to help them manage their finances as they transition out of high school and start their post-secondary education and careers. 

Emo uses his MBA, PMP (Project Management Professional), IT, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization and Business Skills to help clients solve problems, get discovered and increase profits.

In his spare time, Emo plays tennis, squash, chess, and is a budding real estate and equity investor. 

Emo is married to his sweetheart, and they both have a young and energetic daughter that reminds them each day how to live life to the fullest.

Thank you to the support of our YPN Regional Sponsors Eaton, Graybar Canada, and Munden Enterprises for helping us host events like this one.

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