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The Entire Electrical Industry is invited to Calgary and Edmonton for their Iconic Christmas Luncheons.

Calgary’s 53nd Christmas Luncheon Friday November 30th
Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre
12:00 Cocktails
1:00 Lunch
$75 per person
$600 table of 8

Once again Calgary will be supporting the Magic of Christmas.  Please consider bringing to the event, Gift Cards, Toys & Gifts, House hold items, Grooming Supplies, food.

Edmonton’s 69th Annual Christmas Luncheon

Marriott at the River Cree Resort
11:30 – 2:30
$65 per person for CREC members
$100 for non CREC members
Tables of 8 are available

Get tickets by:
Calling 1-800-642-5508 or Email
Registration Form Click Here
If you want to pay online Click Here

More information can be found here.

Nov 30, 2018
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
iCal Webcal

Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre
1316 33 St NE
Calgary, ,