Happy New Year! A Message From Carol McGlogan, EFC’s President & CEO

To EFC Members:
Happy New Year! The start of the new year signals a time to focus on what we can do to better ourselves, our company and our communities.
For Electro-Federation Canada (EFC), it also means a recommitment to our vision, our mission and the values we deem essential to the success of the Canadian Electrical industry. To reflect this, we refreshed EFC’s strategic goals, focusing on enhancing four key pillars that will better serve our members: Industry Health, Industry Voice, Member Satisfaction and Operational Efficiencies.
To address Industry Health, we will accelerate industry knowledge, data analytics and market intelligence to increase our members’ growth and competitive viability. We will take a closer look at emerging innovations and digitization that impact our workforce and leverage the success of our Supply Chain Conference to advance best practices for boosted productivity within the channel.
This year, our voices will be amplified within the industry. The increase in our budget has afforded us the opportunity to strengthen our relationships with key regulators and standards development organizations to remain a vital influencer in the codes and standards arena.
We will also be expanding our member satisfaction initiatives, engaging every level and discipline within our membership beyond executive leadership (i.e. sales, HR, marketing, manufacturing, supply chain, product management, standards professionals, and young professionals).
EFC is very fortunate to have dedicated members – like you – who continue to work with us to ensure the health of the industry. We appreciate the opportunity to be of great service to the Electrical community and remain fully committed to helping you advance your business goals in 2020 and beyond.
On behalf of the entire EFC team, all our best wishes for the New Year.
Carol McGlogan
EFC President & CEO