Webinar Recap: The Economic Forecast – Part 2

On September 24, special guest economist, Maureen Farrow, President, Economap, returned to the virtual stage for part two of the Economic Forecast.

During this presentation, titled “Filling the Output Gap, From Lockdown to Sustained Recovery. That is Now the Challenge”, over 200 participants were given fresh insight into economic growth and its implications for the electrical industry since the last webinar meeting in June. Maureen discussed the outlook for 2021 in terms of growth prospects, sectors, regions, interest rates, price environment and government support/debt following the sharp recession the country faced from a global lockdown.

Click on this link to access Maureen Farrow’s presentation deck.

Thank you to lead event sponsor, Legrand.

This year, the Economic Forecast presentations were part of EFC’s Webinar Series, a complimentary package of webinars EFC has organized for members as a way to give back to the community.

To learn more about EFC’s Webinar Series, click here.