EFC’s YPN Appoints a New National Chair and Three New Regional Chairs

2022 brings new leadership in EFC’s Young Professionals Network (YPN)!!
Please join us in welcoming these young leaders of the electrical industry and wish them success in their Chairmanship role for 2022 and 2023:
Jonathan Perlis, Stanpro, National YPN Chair
Peter Mackie, Ontario Region YPN Chair
Amélie Cyr-Lapointe, Westburne, Quebec Region YPN Chair
Cory Morris, Graybar Canada, Atlantic Region YPN Chair
We would also like to thank the YPN’s Past Chairs for their continued support and exceptional leadership over the course of their 2-year mandate, 2020-2021:

Sean Bernard, Ideal Industries (Canada), Corp., YPN National Chair

Joanna Kwant, Gerrie Electric Wholesale Limited, YPN Ontario Region Chair

Nick Foster, Leviton Canada, YPN Atlantic Region Chair

Jean-Francois Gravel, Leviton Canada, YPN Quebec Region Chair
If you are 40 or under, and are interested in joining the Young Professionals Network or you would simply like to know more about the network, please visit the YPN webpage for details on the program and join the network today.