September 10, 2020 | 2:00pm – 3:15pm EST Register here
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All webinar participants will receive a copy of this year’s research report
‘Talent Availability’ was ranked by members as the top game changer affecting their organization. To address this topic, EFC has partnered with PwC to develop a research study that explores talent requirements for an emerging workforce within the Canadian electrical industry.
Mark your calendars and join EFC and PwC for the exclusive release of this year’s research report on September 10 at 2:00 pm EST.
EFC’s Swati Vora-Patel and Tresa Cambridge and Michelle Gronning from PwC will uncover key findings from the research – imperative for building a stronger workforce.
What you will learn:
- Key shifts in the electrical industry (i.e. new technologies, changing demographics) and how they are impacting talent availability needs.
- Emerging skillsets your organization must build to stay in step with changing market demands.
- Organizational development strategies required to create a stronger team and to build workforce resiliency.
- How to develop and execute digital upskilling strategies for the workforce.
- Various EFC programs and tools available to members to strengthen organizational development requirements.
PLUS! PwC’s Michelle Gronning from PwC will share her organization’s digital upskilling journey known as “Your Tomorrow”, which is part of the firm’s New World, New Skills initiative. Through this overview, Michelle will help members understand how the firm redefined its upskilling and development approaches to better align with, and support, its business strategies and digital vision.
Get the answers you need to develop your emerging workforce and learn how you and your business can keep pace in a rapidly changing world.
Who Should Attend?
Open to all EFC members. This topic will be of particular interest to the following leaders:
- C-Suite Executives
- Senior Managers
- Human Resources and/or Organizational Development Professionals
- Young Professionals Network members
Questions? Contact

Swati Patel

Tresa Cambridge

Michelle Gronning
Sep 10, 2020
2:00 pm
iCal Webcal