So Much Fun at the Quebec Region YPN National Day !
Last Thursday was the National YPN Day of the Quebec Region. More than 60 members gathered to share a meal, ice cream and play outdoor games. Pickle ball, ping pong, sand pocket games and washer was on site and was really appreciated by the participants! Our members certainly had a lot of fun and …
EFC Welcomes New CEMRA Member: McKenna Agencies Ltd.
McKenna is a multifaceted manufacturer’s representative that services the commercial, industrial, and residential marketplaces in the province of Alberta. With a trusted name that spans 7 decades in the industry, and a constantly growing team of experienced individuals, Mckenna prides itself on the relationships it has built in the wholesale, specification, and contractor channels. Their …
Electro-Federation Canada Announces New Chair and Board of Directors for 2024-25
Electro-Federation Canada (EFC) held its Annual General Meeting on May 28, 2024, which saw an update on key initiatives and the welcoming of a new Chair and election of the 2024-2025 Board of Directors. Carol McGlogan, President & CEO, EFC shared key highlights from the past year and provided a summary of the programs available …
2024 Member Tribute at Conference
Several members have asked to view the Member Tribute presentation shown during the 2024 EFC annual industry conference. View the slide deck here
EFC Welcomes Lavindi Richards-Harvey as Events Coordinator
Lavindi Richards-Harvey has been appointed EFC’s Events Coordinator, effective May 13, 2024. Lavindi reports to Nathalie Lajoie, Director, National Events and will support all national and Ontario region events, as well as the Ontario Energy Network Programs. Lavindi has strong customer service skills, along with experience in events that will be a valuable addition to …
EFC’s Atlantic Region Executive Committee Welcomes New Secretary
We are pleased to announce that Erin Wambolt has been voted Secretary on the Atlantic Region Executive Committee. Erin has been a member of the EFC community since 2015, first as a YPN before joining the Women’s Network in 2018 and then Chair of the Education Committee in 2019. Erin is also a member of …
25th Edition of the MEET Show Smashes Attendance Records
The energy and excitement was palpable at the 2024 edition of the MEET Show at the Moncton Coliseum on May 1 and 2. The biennial Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, and Technology show – celebrating its 25th year in 2024 – saw record-breaking attendance, welcoming 6,626 industry professionals to one of the largest tradeshows of its kind …
Members enjoyed the first Quebec Region Family Day !
On April 27th, 9 members and their families making it a total of 25 persons enjoyed the first family day from the Québec Region YPN committee! Members had a network quality time while their kids were all over the place, playing and having fun! Food, beverages and beautiful cupcakes were distributed on …
EFC Federation Cup Announces Golf Award Name Change to MacGowan Memorial Cup
In honour of twins Barry and Bruce MacGowan, one of the EFC Federation Cup golf awards will now be renamed the MacGowan Memorial Cup, originally the Barry MacGowan Memorial Cup. This award name change decision was made to include both twins’ names, Barry who passed away in late 2014, and Bruce who recently passed in …
Have your voice heard…Join in one of CEMRA’s 3 subcommittee groups and make a difference!
The CEMRA board is looking for CEMRA reps to embark one of the three valuable Board subcommittees. If you are a rep, and would like to get involved and contribute, this is your opportunity. The 3 subcommittee groups include the following projects; CEMRA Founding Leaders, develop and create criteria, and build recognition. Please contact Brent …